Self-caused illnesses?


POLL QUESTION: Do you believe that people who develop an illness or health issue due to their own behaviors should receive the same care as those whose problems were not self-caused?

Examples being:

- Cancer due to smoking

- Diabetes, high cholesterol, morbid obesity, etc., due to poor diet and lack of exercise


Why do you feel the way you do? If someone develops cancer due to smoking should they be allowed to participate in benefits such as the "one wish" foundations? Where they are allowed one thing to the best of the companies ability? (I.e. the foundation paying for a Disney world trip for a young girl as her last wish)

If you are overweight due to poor choices should health coverage pay for medical fixes? Such as gastric bypass, lypo, etc? Or should you have to pay out of pocket for everything? What about diabetes shots for people who over eat and caused it?

Do you sympathize with people who cause their own issues? Regardless of how severe or chronic?

If you can think of any other examples, feel free to comment in regards to those as well.

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