really need some advice

I was in a group setting with some friends last night when somebody said something super hurtful to me and I tried so hard to shake it off but it clearly affected my mood because one of my best friends text me after everyone left and asked what was wrong. Her family member is the one who made the comment to me so in an effort to not cause a fight between them, I lied. I told her that I just wasn't feeling well but she knows something happened. I'm just struggling with whether I should come clean and tell her what happened or just let it go. What would you do? If you're wondering what she said she basically told me that I'm creepy because I like to be around them a lot. (I don't have any family so they are the closest I've got) I'm struggling with letting this go because apart of me needs to know like do they all feel that way? 💔 I just don't think it's worth causing an issue between them but my heart is broken