We want your guesses! 🚺🚹


We find out in 18 days, what's your guess? Boy or girl? We're taking a survey of our friends and family and thought it would be fun to include you guys! (We're just super excited and hopeful for a healthy baby so the gender guessing is more for fun at this point)

Baby's heartrate is usually in the low 150s bpm.

Mom's skin has gotten more pimples that usual but also a lot drier overall.

No morning sickness, only headaches.

I don't seem to want any sweets, craving more eggs and meat.

No major weight gain (lost weight in the first trimester), happier mood overall, super tired and forgetful.

Both Mayan and Chinese calendars say boy but who really knows right?

The pictures span about the last 2 weeks (currently 16wks, white shirt) carrying low and right out front but seems to have grown a lot more in the last day or two!