Days of pain and prodromal labor...

It started monday. Went in for my 40 week appt and was only 1cm dilated. That night I started to get contractions which carried on all night and all day and went on until Thursday. Every night would be the same, really painful contractions that got worse and worse but didn't progress into labor. I'd obsess over timing them.  Until Thursday night they had gotten super close together and I was laying down when all of a sudden i was getting a contraction and i felt a pop and I stood up and my water broke. So we rushed to the hospital and it got super painful to where I couldn't talk or stand up. By the time I was in the labor room I was screaming and begging the nurses to help me and saying I was scared and I wanted it to stop. I was only 4 cm at that point. And then I got the epidural!
Best decision ever. After that I felt nothing and I was able to sleep until I was completely dilated. Only pushed for 20 mins and got a small second degree tear. 
The cramps and after pains now are almost as bad as the contractions but I'm hoping they'll go away. Breastfeeding has been rough so I'm formula feeding while I try to get the hang of it. She is a perfect baby and is pretty much just sleeping if she's not eating.  
My beautiful baby girl❤️ born 11/11 at 8:18 weighing 7 lbs 6 oz