Maybe pregnant. Period 1 week late

My period was due on Monday the 7th and tomorrow is Monday the 14th and my period still hasn't come. A few days before my period was supposed to come my nipples were sensitive and then they started to hurt without my even touching them.  Now, I have been told in the past that it would be very difficult for me to get pregnant but I want a baby so so bad. I have always had irregular periods but for the last couple years it has been stable. Even if my period was late it would always come by glows second estimate of 2-3 days. I have been waiting for tomorrow to take the test but I am just so nervous about the answer. For the last few months I have been disappointed whenever my period is late but still shows up so I am trying really hard not to get too excited. Need some words of advice and wisdom. I've been telling myself that it could be stress or maybe I've gained weight and that's it's simply really late but my hopes are already what. What should I do??