so confused

I'm a virgin, before this I never did anything with a guy. I'd only pecked a guy and never went farther. 
So I meet this guy and we started talking. He wanted a friends with benefit situation and I didn't. About 3 weeks after we started talking we went on our first date and had a great time. We started seeing each other ever day. He is always so sweet and caring for me but then does stuff that gets on my nerves. It got pretty serious pretty quickly but he keep saying that I wasn't putting in the effort. Mind you I was always driving to him or meeting close to him. We always took my car but he always paid. After 2 weeks I finally had enough and told him that he was making me mad by not putting in the effort but expecting me to put in more effort when I work 66 hours a week. He works in a professional sport so he gets 6 months of during off season. He wanted us to just go back to friends, because he didn't have feeling for me. After about a week he asked to talk and told me he was just scared that one of us would get hurt or that he would take my virginity and then it end up not being what I wanted and me getting my heart broke. I told him if he was scared than that just showed that he cared. We decided to take it slow and just talk for a while, but have ended up in some sort of friends with benefit relationship but now he has decided that he doesn't want a friends with befit situation. I'm just confused what he wants should I ask him what he wants or. What should I do?  Any ideas?