IUD/Romantic/hot sex today

So I had an IUD put in recently! My boyfriend (of a year) and I never go more than 2 days (besides my period) without sex so having time between my IUD getting in and having sex again was weird, painful for him, but weird lol
So while housesitting for family friends last night he came over to hang out and spend the night with me. We weren't hinting around or talking about sex or anything until this morning. He decided to wake me with his penis and we had AMAZING sex.lol 
We went 2 hours!! 
He, for the first time, finished inside me today and it was very amazing. 
As much as a cliche as it sounds: it made us closer. He held my face close to his with one hand (I was on top) and his other hand on my hip. It was one of the romantic/hot moments we've ever had.