My 12th grade experience (its long, I'm sorry)

At the beginning of my senior year, I developed this huge crush on this dude who was a sophomore. I don't know how or why because I'm not one to open myself up to people out of fear of getting hurt, but this dude made me sooo happy and I was into him and believed he was into me, or so he says. Well... Throughout the year it was a struggle of me being stupid and really giving him my all and him seeming to do the same and asking him out only for him to come up with some lame excuse. Fast forward and I'm like "wow, somebody actually likes me" but then a while before school was supposed to end, this dude is asking for my friend's kik. I was supicioys at that point because she NEVER showed interest in him and even told him upfront (I was there), she was all "what makes you think I like you? I never have any indication... And never would being you and my friend have somehing) and I even told him she has a boyfriend but then he asked for her kik... And I told her and she was all "okay, I guess"... A week after grad bash she's telling me that "you should stop talking to him because he started asking me weird stuff regarding touching me" and my heart SHATTERED. I was always so into shielding my emotions and the first time I actually do open myself up to someone, they use me to go after my friend. I cried, needless to say and she did the honors of telling him how wrong he was since I was so devasted over this. I should've known sooner but I disregarded the obvious signs because my stupid self was so into this dude and I thought I was being paranoid.... So now, I'm looking back and I'm like... "gee, why'd you waste your tears in a guy who you obviously weren't gonna see after you graduate? On a guy who was such a fuck boy? Girl, you know better" so here I am, in college and happy and free af 😂 but at the same time, it still tears me up. What does she have that I don't? Am I not good enough? You know, questions like this that may never be answered.

Anyone else have any experiences like this?