I can't take it anymore....

Hey guys. I need some opinions about some things that has happened. Im posting anonymously because I've ran into people I know on here.

Okay so, for the last 2 years I have been in an abusive relationship that my 2 boys (from a previous marriage) are around as well. He moved us away from family and friends and controls everything I do. I can't use the bathroom with the door shut, I can't have a fb or any form of social media, he checks mileage on my car and inspects it every time I leave. Well this past Thursday a friend called me at 10:50. Well Friday morning I got accused of talking to my bf. My friend just lost her baby to SIDS and I never ignore her. But anyway, we ended up fighting. Bad! and I went to my mothers. My boys went to their dads Friday evening and I was gonna go home and talk to him. Until I turned my phone on, I had it off for the night so I could sleep. Well, lets just saying the comments, messages, replies and EVERYTHING I had I wouldn't say to anyone! I wouldn't be able to sleep at Night. I was disgusted. And I had over 200 text...

So fast forward to Friday night I'm sitting at my moms and my friend Cheyenne messAges me. We been best friends for 12 years and he has tried everything humanly possible to pull me away from her and her family. Well, I ended up going over there bc I haven't seen my best friend in 2 damn years. I ended up drinking Friday night. And Saturday night. And I didn't leave until Sunday morning. Well, she had family there and her cousin(we are gonna call him M) was there and he and I have been on and off for literally 10 years. I was his first kiss too haha. But anywAy he hung out with us. And all of us there just made me So warm and happy. I forgot that feeling. So Sunday morning came and I seriously hit the floor balling like a baby. I didn't want to go home. I was scared and just so unhappy. I knew that I had not smiled like that in so long so I cried for 2 hours all the way home.

Well, after doing everything possible before going home I finally went. I was so disappointed in my self for not staying at my moms. I finally got out and now I'm back. What was I thinking?? And just like as expected, he was on pills and he said that I wasn't allowed to talk about our argument that it needs to be chalked up as a bad day and we will just brush it under the rug. So I got upset. He tried to hit me. I left again. I came back. And I still am not allowed to speak or talk about it. My kids came home and he didn't even speak to them just stayed in his room on the Xbox. Eventually he comes in there when I'm laying my son down and says "okay Brittany it's time for you to lay down" ummm are you freaking kidding me?? I'm 26 with no bedtime! I did everything I could before going to sleep. When we woke up, he was in a better mood but acting like nothing happen. And every time I bring it up to talk about it he says "you must be having issues with your other bf" or "honey that was all a dream that didn't happen" or "your memory is slipping"

He is driving me crazy. I just want it to stop!!!! :(