never ending miscarriage? blighted ovum

I'm 41. Recently flew to Mexico City. 2 days after I arrived I started spotting brownish discharge. The bleeding progressed but never super heavy. And only one day with minor cramping.  
Returned to AZ and saw my dr for the ultrasound which was already scheduled 6 days later. There is a sac measured at 5 weeks (I would have been 8) the sac was empty for the most part just has like a clot inside   
We could see blood flowing on the ultrasound and she told me it's a miscarriage   My bleeding had stopped by then     Did labs and my levels are 243 so I'm having to go test again today 
  I've had off and on spotting with just a little bit of clotting.  
 Wondering why this is taking so long to complete and why they want to do labs again if I know I haven't passed any tissue 
Anyone go thru similar?  I feel like I just want this to end so we can try one more time.