I'm so upset

I'm booked in to have an abortion next week and my boyfriend just hasn't been that supportive, obviously I don't want to have an abortion but feel I have no choice due to our circumstances. Well this evening we got into an argument about everything and he said "I can't wait until it's gone, I'll be relieved and happy" and now I just can't stop crying because to me that's really hurtful. 
A few months back I had to call the police because he went for me and had pushed me to the floor and grabbed me, leaving marks. He was arrested and given an assault charge, this evening he also claimed that I have ruined his life by calling them because he's now limited with jobs due to the charge on his record and that he will always resent me for that. I said that the police wouldn't have charged him or arrested him if he'd done nothing wrong but he started saying I was just as bad because we have both been physical at points (I'm not going to deny that and I know it was wrong of me, but some of the things he's done just seem worse. Like when he's gone to choke me and he's pushed me down and held me down by my hair). 
I'm just so upset at the moment, I've locked myself in the bedroom but he just keeps telling me I'm hormonal and he hasn't done anything wrong. I'm so sorry I just needed to get things off my chest.