Overdue, irritable and need a rant.

So I was due on Saturday (12th) and I'm still very much pregnant.
I've been having contractions everyday, sometimes all day, some days a few hours at a time. I thought last night was the night, contractions were strong and were 2-3 mins apart for over an hour, rang hospital who told me to come in, only to send me home half an hour later because my contractions had stopped. 
I have SPD too so it's getting incredibly difficult to lay down, and when the contractions come on strong it feels like my Punic bone is snapping in half.
Not only that my feet are the size of elephants. 
I'm just very irritable and uncomfortable, feel like I'm getting no where and all anyone seems to st is "have you not popped that baby out yet?" NO. TRUST ME I WISH I HAD. 
Had a very good sob writing this and feel a little better. 
Anyone else feel this way?