Worth a test?

Please no judging!! 
I've been on birth control for two months now, and I haven't had any kind of side affects or anything until lately.  My boyfriend and I aren't using condoms, and he hasn't been pulling out from mid-October until now. I got my October period.  I've got two days of the regular pills left, and then I start the "sugar pills" and my period is supposed to come sometime next week. For the past week my boobs have been super sore, my boyfriend even commented today that they feel "bigger".  I've been nauseous, SUPER emotional- like cry over nothing emotional, and yesterday started terrible headaches that I can't seem to get rid of.  I suffer from migraines and not even my migraine medicine helps. I'm a college student, and I know that could be part of being worn out but like I said, I'm not usually like this. I don't want to jump to conclusions or anything but is it worth taking a test now? Or do I wait to see if I miss my period? Again please no bashing or judging!