If you've seen my last post, you would know that I was having some difficult times with my boyfriend and I was confused about another guy. 
Boyfriend (Zack): He got into a fight with my guy friend (Trent) that I dated the in the 8th grade. Zack fought him in front of me after I told him nermous of times not to. I was sitting right beside Trent, in the lobby, when it happened. My boyfriend came so close to hitting me. After that, I had a panic attack. Zack's mother called my mom and talked to her. My mom talked to me when I went home about my relationship with Zack. She talked about us breaking up and if I did she wouldn't be mad or anything. So, I called Zack and I told him, "I think we need a break from each other for a while. It seems like you're trying to leave and that you're miserable with me. Plus, I need to work on myself a bit. I want to find myself and focus on school and my goals. I have to love myself before I could anybody. Etc." 
Other guy (Levi): He hasn't been suicidal lately. I've noticed that he's been flirting with me a lot more ever since me and Zack broke up. I'm gonna wait a while to get into another relationship. Also, my mom wanted me to go to her job after school for some reason. I didn't wanna ride a random bus so I asked Levi if he could take me. I told mom that morning that somebody is going to give me a ride but she didn't know who. On the way there, he tried to put his hand on my thigh and I wouldn't let him. He was talking about kissing me before he left but I said no. I would catch him looking at me when I wasn't looking at him. When we got there, I introduced him to my mom, as a friend. I could tell that she wanted to talk to him so bad about last week but she was working. She wanted to talk to him about a relationship with me because she knew I liked him. He stayed there for like an hour and half. We was sitting there throwing paper towel wads at each other. Flirting basically lol. He was leaving and we hugged and I felt so safe and secure when we hugged and while he was driving. 
Everything happens for a reason. ❤️❤️