wtf I'm broken :(

So I'm pregnant right, I'm 30 weeks. Me and my so broke it off due to his violent actions. He has a restraining order. And he's still been messaging me though. He's been partying, doing drugs, and messing around with couple of girls.. I just found out that he probably got back with his ex wife. Which is a surprise! He said he'd never get back with her, because she cheated on him with his best friend.. but now look. They're probably back. And I'm so hurt. Because I never did anything to him, I'm a good person. And he decided to leave me and this baby, and go fuck around, and even get back with his junkie crack pill head of wife. Like really??!!! And idk if it's for his beneficial so his papers won't be taken away, now because of the new president, lol or just cause he really loved her.. :(