Latching Problems

From the first time I fed her she latched on perfectly but now my baby girl is 1 month old and it seems like she doesn't latch the same like she used to stay on it the whole time until she was done feeding and my nipples never felt sore but now she pops off and on it seems like a lot and my nipples are starting to have a pretty sore feeling. I know she's getting milk still because I always see it around or in her mouth. I also feel like she's eating way more often it used to be every 3-4 hours and now it's every 1-2. Also it seems like she sleeps less now then before but she isn't cranky at all she's just normal acting and looks around and wants to be held and such.

Does any of this seem normal or problematic? Advice/tips would be greatly appreciated FTM here.

Also I do plan on asking the pediatrician any questions or concerns I have but I still have a few days until her 1 month checkup, just wondering if anyone else has experienced anything similar.