insecure about everything!

Ain't no body gonna read this but I'm still going to post it anyway! 
I hate my body! And no I'm not looking for 'drama' about this, it's just I can't really rant to anyone I know because I'm just to embarrassed to talk to people 😔
My weight is a major thing, I have tried so many diets but I can just never stick with them it's really hard. I can never go shopping because I get so shitty and upset when clothes I really love either don't have it in my size or it shows my rolls! Stretch marks is another thing 🙁 it really sucks! My chin looks like a golf ball and people tease me about it, but the type of person I am around my friends I can't let it look like it affects me.. like I don't like showing people that I'm sensitive and what they say actually does hurt, it's hard to explain. I can't public speak or walk into a classroom late, order something at a shop or talk to random asking  for help or even when a teacher asks me a question I freeze up because if I answer it with the wrong question they will judge me! Or make fun off me! One time in class the teacher asked me a question and I froze, I was hoping that the teacher would move on and ask someone else but she didn't, and some 'popular' girl was like, "oh just hurry up" and when I said something complelty different to what she asked me the girl laughted and said bout time. It was really embarressing! It gets hard to breath when I know that I'm going to have to do something im not comfortable with and my chest feels like it's tightening. My parents think I overreact about these things and it's hard to explain things to them! And let's not get started on the whole boyfriend girlfriend shit! I think I like girls as well as guys.. is that bad for someone my age (16) and in this generation? I've had one boyfriend about a year ago but I wa in a bad place and very insecure back then to, so I broke up with him we dated like a couple months and I never let him kiss me cause I thought I would make a total fool of myself! Pathetic, I know. I still like Him and all and at the beginning of the year I went to a party with him and he asked me out again so of course I said, I still liked him. But he never had wifi and the only conversation we would have was, 'hey' 'what are you doing' and repeating over and over every third or fourth  day! Broke up within again which sucks. My parents didn't know I had a boyfriend both times cause I thought they wouldn't approve..
It's feels better that I have at least told someone..