Teens TTC.

   This goes out to teens that are actively trying to conceive or thinking on it. I am a teen myself and I have an 8 month old daughter. I am 19 years old, and my bf and I live with his mother, sister, and niece (Good times right? Lol) But I wanted to tell all of you teens trying to concieve, why not live a little first? You think you're mentally, physically, or emotionally prepared for a child and that happens! I thought I was! But low and behold I was wrong. I occasionally find myself sad because I am only 19! I have my daughter 5 months after I turned 18! I always dragged about how I can't wait to turn 18 so I can get out and have fun! Even though I was blessed with my daughter in the process, I locked myself right back down again! 
    I love my daughter with my entire body and soul along with her father! I'd catch a bullet for my princess and king, but him and I do wish we could push her into a more stable timing in our life. I mean we sleep in the living room...no privacy. Along side that, you never know what could happen to your child! Sick, dental problems, serious medical problems; all of which costs thousands upon thousands of dollars! I have never been to a house party, club, costume party, out of country, have to wait for college a little, can't go out without making sure your child has a proper babysitter (IF you can find a babysitter because God people are so evil to little angels now-a-days). Children grow extremely fast, clothing is constantly bought, shoes aren't a must at a young age but sooner or later they are. When they are first born, they require so much attention and care, enough to make you not even see yourself going to work! Teens please listen to me! You have your whole life to have children, have a big house, gorgeous husband and a beautiful white picket fence. But now ain't the time! Go rock climbing, go to beaches, go to Amsterdam (🌿💨💨😂)! You have decades to come. Don't worry about bringing in another life when you've only just begun living.
                 -A Mother