Fertile Window Not Showing??

Crystal • Child loss survivors currently trying Rx w/intercourse following removal of uterine septum, Endo, and fibroids.
Is anyone else's status set as "in <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">fertility treatment</a>" but you can't get your fertile window to show? I read the help articles and they all say a fertile window will show when an HCG trigger shot is reported as administered but I am on month two and have logged my trigger shots both months, still no fertile window when I click to look at the "period" calendar. I'm about to switch to a different app. Glow had so many quirks and glitches. We use it for help and then it doesn't help with what we need. What's the point in using it for fertility tracking if the most important dates (the dates we need to be getting busy) aren't indicated. Luckily I ask my doctors but the whole idea is that Glow is supposed to be helping us predict the best days, not just "every other day for the next week". Isn't it supposed to be an added tool? It's starting to feel like it's  just more work logging info that I could track in my daily calendar just as easily, since it isn't offering me anything better than what keeping a handwritten calendar could offer.