Husbands big mouth backfires. 😂

Shira • Trying to be half the parent my dad was.

So having my c-section tomorrow morning. Yay! My husband and I decided months ago to keep the birth day on the hush hush and only tell a few people. We had barely even announced our pregnancy before at least 7 people talked about showing up uninvited and demanding to be there. Even had his childhood friend (female) saying she was going to be first to hold her new nephew. GTFOH. Considering both of my last pregnancies had alot of drama and hurt feelings. And caused way to much nonsense before/during/after my lsst c-section. I shut all that down real quick, didn't even tell my husband the date until I had (so he could request the day off). I just want those first days to be quiet and relaxing.

Well like 10 minutes ago I get a phone call from his best friend asking me what room I'm in. I sarcastically say my living (the truth). He starts complaining about me joking to much. I tell him I'm not, I'm at seriously at home why. He then asks me why I haven't had the baby yet and when do I check in. Of course im like what are you talking about it, im not having a baby yet. We talk for a few more minutes before he gets it into his head I'm not having the baby today. He apologizes for being an ass and hang up. It doesn't stop I get 4 more calls like this back to bavk and I'm like whoa. Finally the convo with his long time female friend makes the light bulb go off. They are all getting off work and husband isn't answering his phone, so they are calling me from the hospital wondering why I'm not there or what room I'm in because they are on the way there. Hahahags

Blabbering mouth hubby strikes but apparently he told them all the wrong date. Bwahaha. I told them next Fridays date as the date. Omg seriously don't know if he did it on purpose or he just didn't look at the calendar hard enough, but I can't stop laughing. Oh he's going to get it when he gets home, but as of right now. I'm going to keep laughing and answering these calls and texts.