Ladies, Teach me your ways

Laura • C.C 🔐
I'm asking mostly for girls/women who know their way around men. I completely SUCK with guys, and I really need some advice. 
There's this guy at work, I work at a big store so we do a bunch of things (cashier, carry out, walk the floor, talk to people etc). His name's Mike and I've known him for a month now. He's cute and he's definitely my type and he's super nice. At first, I didn't want to even think about it** because I didn't want to get involved with a coworker but now I just want to be around him.
I used to be able to talk to him but now that I want to be around him, I CANT TALK TO HIM FOR MY LIFE. 
I know he's 22 or 23, goes to college 15 minutes away from my college. Does he have a girlfriend? I don't know. I don't know anything actually, and I don't know what to do. 
Teach me your ways, how do you sweet talk a boy and make it not awkward, because everytime i talk to him (besides work stuff) I just get nervous. 
I wanna be like the girls in movies who can talk to anyone about anything and be confident about it haha
How could I talk to him and make it look natural and eventually get things out about him while keeping him interested? 
Let me know girlies!
Thank you ❤️❤️