feel like he's up to something

I really feel like my boyfriend is possibly messing with some girl at work. There's no evidence in his phone he's doing anything because our phones are synced in every possible way and I can see everything from his phone..(logged into the same iCloud, text forwarding and everything). So I feel like it would be real convienent if he's fucking with some bitch at work. He's being staying late at work lately but I've just put that on the fact that the holidays are coming and he works at Amazon warehouse so of course they have lots to do plus he already told me this would be happening. We've been arguing for weeks now about everything, on top of his grandma just dying as well. But I feel like he's up to something because he texted me at 4:12am yesterday telling me he would probably be late again getting off (I pick him up) and I said okay. I checked his location to see if he was still outside (he has to come outside to be on his phone because there's no service in there) and it popped up that he was at some park near the job. I'm thinking why would he be at some park if he's supposed to be at work? (Later told me he was smoking with this dude Cam he's told me about before). The location went back and forth from the park to some neighborhood so they must have been driving around..but then it stopped just at the park. I was calling and face timing him with no answer (later said phone was on silent). He called me back and said he was now in front of the job and when he got in the car and told me he was smoking I was like okay so I wonder why I can't smell anything on his breath. He said he was smoking Reggie (I don't smoke so idk how that smells but when he smokes usually his regular weed I can smell it on his clothes and breath even if he sprays and chews gum or whatever. I smelled nothing but what seemed like a fragrance I've smelled before (perfume not cologne) although maybe "Cam" could've just had a perfume smelling cologne? Idk. Anyways, he apologized and said he should've told me he and Cam decided to go be at the park then said I shouldn't act all crazy when I have suspicions of him doing things and I responded I'm not acting crazy I'm just saying this is what I saw and for you to not do that again without telling me and then he snapped. He said I shouldn't be asking him all this if he just apologized and told me and then proceeded to say he doesn't need this shit because his grandma just died and he has a lot on his mind. Today he apologized and then told me I have nothing to worry about that he wouldn't cheat on me...he went to work looking more presentable than normal today. Wearing the shoes he said he would never wear to work cause they're too nice but used the reason that because we're going on a 20 hour road trip at around 2:00am tomorrow that he wanted to just have them on and his outfit and wear it riding in the car the whole time. 
***Long story short, he told me he was probably gonna be late at 4am yesterday, when I checked his location it said he was at that park and not at work where he was supposed to be. He wasn't answering my calls. I didn't smell the weed he was supposedly smoking on his breath or clothing (breath didn't smell of gum or mint), but I did smell a sweet fragrance around his wrist. We talked about the situation for all of maybe 5 minutes and then he went off on me about it saying I was trying to argue. Am I fucking tripping or does it possibly sound like he could have been doing otherwise? I'm 30 weeks pregnant (we're doing the road trip for a funeral and last minute plane, bus and train was too much $$). I might just be hormonal/ insecure/ paranoid but idk just doesn't seem right.