Why birth control isn't an option

🐵🦉🦖🦊 • SAHM 🧒JEC 5/12/11 🧒CIC 3/20/14 🧒IJC 3/25/16 👼JRC 9/7/17 - 5/31/18
I just felt like sharing. I'm 25 years old and I have 3 kids. The last 2 times I've been pregnant people have been rude to me. Comments ranging from "why don't you use birth control" to "you know how that happens right?". My husband and I are ok with the choice we had to make to not use birth control. I used to be on the pill until I had an allergic reaction to it. I developed a condition called erythema nodosum. It is an incredibly painful allergic reaction to (in my case) birth control. It took me a couple months to recover from this reaction. The pain in my legs was so intense i couldnt walk. This reaction made me unable to use any kind of hormonal birth control. This left me and my husband with the idea that we would just use condoms. Little did we know that wouldn't be an option either. As soon as the condom touched my skin I had an immediate reaction. It burned, made me red, and swollen. We tried many different brands including lambs skin. Then we decided to try spermicide. At first it was fine but the third time I had an allergic reaction. Once again I had burning, redness, and extreme swelling. It was like that for almost 2 wks. Our experiences and worry of pregnancy made sex a chore and no fun. Not to mention every experiment with something new let my lady parts feeling torn to shreds. We looked up the paragard and talked to my obgyn about this option. Her response "you already have a lot of issues with inflammation I really wouldn't recommend this for you." So I went for a second opinion and that obgyn was all for trying it out but that didn't work out either. I should've just listened to my first obgyn. At a lose me and my husband just decided that we would do nothing but pull out and track ovulation. This system has failed us twice due to my unpredictable ovulation schedule. I ovulate anywhere from day 10 to day 18. Only planning one pregnancy and 2 surprises. We're ok with this though. We take it as it is. Once we're done having kids we'll probably end up doing something permanent. In the mean time we're going to stop worrying and enjoy each other. We love our kids and any more we have. People judge us bur we can't change it so we just live with it... Anyone else struggle with birth control?