My father cheated on my mom

My father cheated on my mom when I was in elementary. Now I'm grown, married and pregnant and my father is still cheating on my mom. My mother is in her mid 50s. I don't know why she never left my dad, I assume she stayed for the sake of my siblings and I.

My mother doesn't know that I know what's been happening. I didn't have to try too hard to find out. I've caught my father on the phone several times in his corniest voice talking to some women. There's also been a lot of rumors going around and I've been told by several people that this is the woman my father was talking to. He's even gone as far as saying he wants to marry this woman because my mother isn't the right woman for him and she's not his soulmate. I'm furious. I cried and cried and cried my eyes out. I can't believe my own father would say such things.

My mother doesn't think that her children knows what's going on but we do. I don't know what I can do for my mother and what I could possibly say to my father. I want to yell at him at times for acting so selfishly.

I'm so embarrassed he's my father. He's not abusive towards my mother or any of us children but he's a cheater. He was not the best father figure either, sad to say, I didn't look up to him and he didnt support my decision to go to college. In my eyes and mind he will always be a cheater. If there ever is a divorce I vow to never see my father again, for all the pain he's caused my mother. He may be my father but I can't forgive him.

I will never know or understand my mother's feelings and her reasoning for staying but I will not tolerate any kind of cheating. If a man truly loves a woman, good or bad, he would never think of cheating and leaving her. They may argue today but tomorrow is another new day and they're still together because they love and respect one another.

My husband knows my father is this way. I told my husband if he ever cheats on me then we're through. It's no accident to cheat on someone. I said if he wants to cheat then he better be prepared for consequences and he can say bye to me and his baby. My parents relationship makes me so sad.