I need advice...

So I'm 16 and I'm kind of talking to this boy (16) who I met in September as we go to the same college. He isn't the "type" I usually go for how ever I really like him. Im a virgin but he is not, and I'm not ready to have sex yet but I feel like if I carry on talking to him he is going to want to have sex and I don't think I'm ready for that at this age.
Should I carry on talking to him and see where it goes or should I just cut things off. 
Also I'm very worried about my body as I have disgusting stretch marks on my inner and outer thighs as well as over my bum and my boobs are small but my nipples are quite big and I feel if I do carry on talking to him and I do end up or at least try to lose my virginity to him he will be disgusted of my body as well.