Assaulted by a friend

Thursday night I decided to hang out with someone I thought I trusted. I've been hanging out with him for a few months now. I've been getting drunk around him and he was fine. Never did anything. So he said he needs to go to his dads because we were gonna have a bonfire tonight and he needs to know how to work the thing because they have a gas pit. So he asks me if I wanna get alcohol which I think nothing of but it should have been a giant fucking red flag. Anyway, I get two cans of bud light (like the GIANT gas station ones that contain like 3 normal cans) and we go to his dads house. His stepmom asks if I want sangria so of course I say yes. I drank one of the buds and she pours me this fucking huge glass of sangria to the top nearly (you know those glasses that can hold nearly a bottle). By this time I'm basically feeling good talking to her. She has to go because she has a baby so I start on the other bud and blacked out pretty much. The next thing I know he's fingering me and I'm yelling at him to get off and to take me home. I don't know how long he was doing it. I don't know what happened.. all I know is every time he says he's sorry I want to punch him as hard as I can in the mouth.