bye bye supplements! 👋🏼

We have finally been able to do away with formula supplements and I'm so happy. Little girl was diagnosed with an 80% tongue tie at just before 5 months and it had nearly ruined our breastfeeding relationship as my milk supply dwindled due to her poor milk transfer and due to the formula top ups she needed in order to get back on the growth chart. 
It has now been nearly two weeks since the tongue tie was revised and she is feeding so much better! I am on Motilium to boost my supply and it seems to really be helping. 
Super relieved to be doing away with the formula because even though she needed it to get over the hump, it was interfering with breastfeeding. She just preferred the easy drink from the bottle. Tried cup feeding and she would throw half of it down her shirt. Tried a sippy cup but she would suck in so much air that she would cry from the wind for hours. 
I decided to start solids instead. I was originally planning to do baby led weaning at 6 months but I would rather she eats some puréed veggies and porridge than continue to risk her turning off breastfeeding altogether.
We may have not made it to 6 months EBF but she is happy and healthy and we are still breastfeeding after everything that we had working against us. 