
Background: 30 years old - ebf my lo (my first baby) who is almost 13 months old.  
About 2 months ago my nipple started to get "chapped." Had a red area, a bit flakey and iched really bad. Finally went into the doc after no creams were working (landolin/motherslove nipple cream/coconut oil) and they put me on a steroid cream for two weeks. She said she didn't think it was thrush because my lo had no symptoms and it should be on both nipples if it was thrush. It mostly went away with the steroid cream but came back after stopping (docs orders only use for two weeks) so they sent me to derm to get another opinion. Now she put me on a fungal cream for two weeks and said if that doesn't work they will need to do a biopsy. I am a week in and it is still there. I have read with thrush that it can be one sided and present itself like mine and can be really hard to go away. Anyone have anything like this? I really don't want to have a biopsy as I will have to stop bfeeding. It seems like thrush would be a more common reason than breast cancer (they seem to say they want to rule out Pageys disease) but I don't want to not do a biopsy if it is needed... help! Anyone have similar symptoms with thrush?