Anxiety attack possible early pregnancy symptom?



Hi ladies😊

I can't sleep tonight and I had a very bad anxiety attack which I haven't had in quite awhile. AF suppose to start on Thursday and I'm hoping it doesn't. For some reason I feel like this is my month a bfp. All last week my boobs have been hurting and been getting really bad headaches. Yesterday, I worked all day and then had my work holiday dinner. With the holiday this week and then my regional manager coming in on Tuesday my head can't stop thinking. Oh plus I have really bad nausea at the moment which isn't helping. I took my anxiety pill which seems to be helping some. I'm just curious if anyone has had a really bad anxiety attack and gotten their bfp? Any help would be appreciated.

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I'm following because I am going through the EXACT same thing. I woke up at 1 am on Tuesday with what felt like a panic attack. They lasted all night and all day. Yesterday I felt like I had the flu. Achy all over, nauseous, vomiting. The panic attacks were so weird, because I don't get them often, even with my anxiety disorder. Keep me posted on how you're doing!


Kimberly • Nov 25, 2016
Ahhhh congrats!!! I took one yesterday morning and it was a BFN. Really hoping it was just too early! Going to take one again in a couple days.


Kelly • Nov 25, 2016
So I tested this morning and I got a positive on my test😊 still having anxiety issues not as bad. Just been dealing with bad headaches and sore boobs. Have you tested yet?


Kimberly • Nov 25, 2016
My AF was due today, too btw - nothing yet!