feeling sad, finally realizing I can't do this :(

It's been a very rough road for me these last 7 weeks with bfing. My baby boy had a bad latch starting at the hospital. Long story short, I was in a LOT of pain for about 3 weeks- bleeding/cracked nipples and lots of crying and fussing at the breast for him. He wasn't gaining enough weight and also has reflux. Dr had us supplement with formula and even though I pumped, I went from pumping out 4 oz every time to barely getting one ounce. During this time we found out my baby boy has a tongue tie that went undiagnosed in the hospital and we had it clipped, but his latch still isn't good. The lactation consultant said he also has a very small mouth so it's hard and upsetting for him to nurse. He constantly falls off the nipple and takes in too much air giving him painful gas. My only option would probably be to exclusively pump but again, my supply sucks now. I have tried everything to get my supply back...fenugreek, blessed thistle, mothers milk tea, lactation cookies, power pumping with a hospital grade pump, etc. I am so tired of being hooked up to this pump every 2 hours to only get one ounce. It's been 7 long, emotional weeks and I'm ready to throw in the towel. It breaks my heart that I can't give my baby the thing that my body should be able to naturally. The feeling is similar to when I had a problem with fertility- I feel like less of a woman! A close friend of mine who gave birth a week after me pumps out 8 oz per session and it makes me want to cry that I can't have that. It just feels so unfair. Not to mention I am pumping while all I want to do is snuggle with my baby and enjoy my precious last month and a half with him before I have to go back to work. I hate to "give up" but I feel like there's nothing else I can do here. The lactation consultant is coming again today and I'm going to tell her my feelings on this. I am so lucky to have this little miracle here and I am tired of spending my time feeling this way!