One month old won't nap!

I have the hardest time getting my one month old to nap during the day! He sleeps pretty great at night, usually goes down around 9, then awake around 11:30, 3, and again around 6:30 for a feeding and to be changed. Then after his 6:30 feeding he will go down again until around 9:30-10. After that I will try to get him to nap in the afternoon since he is clearly tired, and I will get him completely asleep but as soon as I put him down his eyes pop open a couple mins later. He sleeps so good in his pack and play at night and during the day I've also tried using the swing and taking him for a ride in the car but nothing works more than a few mins. It makes it hard to get anything done around the house during the day and I also feel like I have no time to do anything with my 4 year old which I feel super guilty about. Any tips would be appreciated!!