planned pregnancy at 16

For all the young girls wanting to have a baby and get pregnant early read this .. 
I started ttc when Ijust turned 16 with my fiancé . He's 17. it took about two months for me to get pregnant , I found out October 13. It was the best day of my life to be honest. I couldn't wait to tell people including my fiancé. He was super happy, but my family was not but eventually came around. I had every pregnancy symptom , even terrible morning sickness which I figured was normal ..  So fast forward to November 3 . I was 8 weeks 3 days going To my first appointment and was super excited to see my baby, but instead they saw nothing but the sac and some tissue where it started to grow. He called it a blighted ovum but it turned out to be a molar pregnancy. From the minute I found out there was no baby I got very depressed and angry. I have struggled with depression off and on for years but it has never been this bad . Being pregnant at 16 was not fun for me . There is risks , and when your 16 you are not emotionally ready to go through a pregnancy loss. Believe me i am not trying to be rude but please rethink it. It's been a week since my d&c and I am a mess. I don't know how to handle this, I don't really think any girl at 16 knows hot to. My fiancé is upset too but he doesn't understand it as much. He is amazing but he wasn't as attached to the pregnancy as I was . I spent a month getting ready and happy for a baby. Even buying baby stuff, just to find out it was for nothing because i had a molar pregnancy that could turn into cancer. When your pregnant or thinking about it you do not think your gunna be the one to misscarry or have an unsuccessful pregnancy. Could you really handle having all your pregnancy symptoms still but just waiting to either misscary naturally , or having to get a d&c? It's not fun waking up with sickness and having it all day just for it to be a content reminder of your pregnancy is going to end soon and your not gunna have a baby like you wanted too.. I can't even be around my own sister and my niece now because she's 20 weeks pregnant and I don't even want to be around kids anymore . I will never be the same person I was . I will always remember this and I don't think here will be a day or night that I don't cry atleast once over it. I never thought this could happen to me . But it did . So please rethink getting pregnant right now . Your first pregnancy is supposed to be special . Wait a few years when your married and more stable.