
Hi ladies I haven't ever posted here about my relationship but need advice.
I have been with my fiancé for about 6 years now. We got together when I was 17 and he was 15. I am now 22 and he is 20. We have been through so much more so than I can even say. We moved together to Alabama last January. We then moved back here to Florida in July. We now live with his parents because they asked us to move in and a couple of other reasons. The problem is he works out of town most of the time so I'm here with his mom brother and step dad. And I feel awkward I try so hard not to but it's weird when he's not here. You see he grew up with more finer things while I didn't (he definitely doesn't act that way either he is so kind and generous) it's hard thought sometimes with his family because they have $25,000 furnishings and our dog gets in trouble all the time for going on it. He doesn't see sometimes why I get upset with his parents sometimes over the reasons. Like for instance we pay rent there and his parents will go in our room and look through our bills or tell you this needs to be fixed etc etc. whenever I am off at work I get back and theyyall out to dinner while S is out of town and I'm stuck there not doing anything and of course I get upset and S doesn't seem to think it's a reason for me to get upset. Another example if their laundry is in the dryer/washer I'll do it because it's the nice thing to do. However they don't do the same. Same with dishes and other things. It's starting to take its toll on me cause I get upset and talk to him but then he gets upset because I'm upset with him and it stresses him out. The next thing we pretty much split bills. He has a $600 car payment where I don't have one because I just got a $3,000 car and paid it off. He gets stressed out about his car payment but I always said well you shouldn't of gotten such an expensive car. Then he gets stressed because we have so many bills but he would have more lineup if he didn't have such an expensive car payment. His brother literally stays at home and doesn't have a job and gets money handed to him and just stays on the computer all day and thinks everything should be done by a woman. He tries to mess with my dog and be so mean and mess with her and literally be so mean to her. I then tell S but he doesn't think I should always be mad at R. But how could I not we get yelled at if we don't do this, don't clean that don't pay for this yet he can sit and do whatever. 
Lastly, I feel Our relationship is literally just working, and bills. We don't go on dates we don't things together anymore. We just talk about bills, his family and our jobs. He thinks everything is amazing with us and everything but I'm just lost and tired. I have Crohn's so a lot of the time I'm tired and depressed and in pain. So sometimes  when I get to tell him things he always thinks I'm upset with him and then he proceeds to say your always upset with me and I feel bad. I know this is confusing but please give advice if you can. I just want to know what I can do to spice us up and not dwell on the hard stuff.
Also, I realized I posted this in the wrong group! Sorry.