Baby after eating .. and family


So my LO has to be held up for 30 minutes after eating, otherwise she spits up.. I've learned to live with it. Maybe it'll get better, w/e.

So when we're at family gatherings, of course people want to hold her all the time.. After I nurse her in a private room, I'll come back out to join everyone. And someone wants to take her.. my husband and I constantly are telling people, "She just ate, don't move her around much, just keep her up" things like that. We get the annoying response that they've been spit up on before, had kids, etc. and don't care..... It drives me absolutely crazy.... I'm not telling you because I care about your clothes, I'm telling you because I'd like to avoid my daughter spitting up!!!!!!!

Tell me I'm not the only one that deals with it and is annoyed!? Today, I actually hung out with her in the room, thankfully. Go figure.. the first person to take her is lifting her in the air and laying her on her back... WTF!!!! I seriously want to smack people across the back of their head. I'm pretty sure I'm just not letting anyone take her from now on right after she eats....