fuckboys :/

Ok so 17 never had a boyfriend, guys literally pay NO attention to me. The only guy I guess I actually "talked" to did me dirty & was talking to other girls behind my back. He lived in vegas (I live in Oregon) & it was like flirting and all that he called me baby & all that shit and would get mad when I talked to other guys or about other guys. Then I found out he was talking to multiple girls behind my back. (2 of them I considered my friends) 
Anyways, this was back in the end of march & i still lowkey get sad & miss the attention and him. I wanna be in a relationship & stuff but I feel like I just can't trust guys anymore and he really tore my confidence down. 
Any advice would help!!
Edit: lol I'm not talking about getting into a relationship w him or going back to him!!! Just to be clear