viability ultra sound

I need some input
Please ladies . I was so excited for my first appointment with my prenatal doc , went well she says she has no concerns with the exams and tests she did today . She had the receptionist book me an ultra sound but I noticed after I left that it was for the wrong day . So I called the ultra sound clinic to re book , I am hoping the receptionist there is just an air head and didn't think about how what she said might be perceived . She says to
Me are you sure you want to push this back I said yes that's my next day off it more convenient . Then she proceeds to tell me well they have you booked for a viability ultra sound which usually means there's some Concerns or complications , have you had some bleeding ?  
What the heck ? If there was a concern my doctor would have said so . Is viability just what the very first  ultra sound is called ? I am 9 weeks 1 day counting from the first day of my last period .