Quarter life crisis

This might be a dramatic rant, but I need some advice and or some words of encouraging. 
I haven't realized how stuck I feel until today when I saw a video for a baby gender reveal party. This guy had a reputation in high school for having commitment issues, and not ever wanting a family, and being a player, and a jerk to some girls (I know people change and I'm happy he did). But it shocked me so much and it got me thinking a lot about where I'm standing now and where I'm going. I know everyone's pace is different and I totally get it and respect it. At my age (22) my mom was already married and pregnant with me. I'm her freaking age and I still live at home and I see most of my high school friends (also from way back like elementary and middle school) having kids and getting married and having life almost figured out. My best friend is married and has a baby, my other best friend is engaged... and I'm still single, struggling through college, living at home!!! Still felt like I just graduated high school until I saw that video and realized we fucking grew up. I'm an adult! He changed, he's more mature, he's happy, I never really pictured him as a dad, he hated spending time with family (truth be told he was an ex) it's a baby boy, I'm so happy for him, bla bla, and this avalanche of feelings and thoughts rushed over me and I got so overwhelmed.
I felt like I haven't done shit in my life, time flies and I still am stuck in this cycle of going to work, from work to home, then the next day college and from there straight to work, then back home. My social life sucks too! 
I don't even know where all of this is coming from. I know quarter life crisis should be 25, but I'm turning 23 soon so I'm getting close, lol! And it's probably not even a crisis. Please help