Wasted Time

redvelvet_94 • 25yo grandma 👵🏼
Hey everyone ✌🏼️I need to rant,
I'm 22  almost 23 years old and I'm currently in a relationship that isn't going anywhere. It's long and complicated, but I've decided that I'm ending it because I want to have the opportunity to be with a man that I can grow with. It took a lot of thinking (and therapy) to realize that this is what I need to do. 
But I still feel bad because I've been with this person for almost 3 years and by now I wish I had been engaged or at least moved out. But that's not going to happen. And I know I'm young, but I've never been one for the party scene. I am ready to settle down, but now I have no one to do that with. I just feel that I wasted my time :( 
And to top it all off, I have crazy baby fever. I see  pregnant women, or women in committed relationships, and I can't help but envy them. I just feel they're so lucky to have partner that WANTS to have a baby with them. They have someone they can grow with. 
I just wish I had that too :/