Baby is here!!

I know I am a little late, but here is my birth story. Had my son on Nov. 15 @ 10:58am he was 8lbs 15oz and was 20.5 inches long. 
Since 3 am that morning I had back cramps nothing to be concerned about went about my night. I have a 20 month old and a 10 year old. Woke up about 530 am got the kids ready so I could take my 10 year old to school. Well I could barely stand up my back pain hurt so bad, but I managed it. My husband is deployed so it's just me taking care of everything. So I backed my son's bag and my bag making sure I had everything. Actually took my kids to my grandparents house because I didn't think I would make it. So I called my mom she came over and I called my OB they told me to take some Tylenol and use a heating pad. Well that didn't work and they were getting more and more intense. Well around 10 am I went to use the restroom and when I wiped there was blood so I called my mom to come back and get me I was going to the hospital. My 20 month old didn't want me to go it was so sad I was almost in tears. Got to the hospital about 10:30 am I Pre registered but I still have a ton of paperwork to fill out and by this time the back labor was horrible. I could barely write. They took me to observation told me to pee in a cup I couldn't instead my water literally exploded in the toilet I thought I had him right there, but luckily I didn't. I got back to the bed told them what happened so they had me walk .. yes walk to a labor and delivery room. Finally got there and laid down and they checked me I was 9cm dilated already. They didn't have time to hook me up to monitors or even put an IV in my midwife barely made it and boom he was here is 2 pushes. I am not saying it didn't hurt because it did. My pain tolerance is very high lol 😂 my other two babies were 6lbs and then to have a 9lb baby OMG it hurts so bad. He's happy and healthy and can't wait for his daddy to meet him only son. 
There's my story!! 😊 Hope you like it lol.