Anyones baby gaining weight too slowly?

My baby is one month old today. She isnt gaining the "ideal amount" of weight each week. She was born at 6lb 10oz she didnt lose too much with the initial weight loss after birth but at her two week she was 2 oz below her birth weight. They wanted to watch her weight closer bc of this. She has been gaining consistantly but not quite the 4 to 7 oz a week more like 3 oz. Shes now at 7lb 1 oz at 1 month old. We breastfeed and she has been given some formula for jaundice at the beginning and some for supplementing bc of her weight, which honestly hasnt been very often bc I thought she was getting enough from breastfeeding. I also pump once a day and give her that as an extra bottle in the evening. Im just feeling somewhat defeated and am hoping to hear from anyone dealing with a similar situation. I think Im going to give her the formula twice a day now regularly between feedings plus the pumped bottle. Any advice is welcome. Thanks.