FTM with 3week old need advice🤔

Sooooo I had my munchkin on November 3rd. She is healthy and usually a happy baby. But sometimes she gets super fussy after eating and will cry like a crazy banchi for like 5 minutes before passing out. She eats, she burps, she poops great, farts etc.....she has hiccups a lot (tried gripe water first time today seemed to help relax her) i dont think she is colic, dont think she is allergic to the formula i use Natures Best the purple can for infants. I just feel bad when she does this like i have no idea how to help her but to let her cry it out few minutes by rocking her. I am trying to get her on a schedule i think she just gets super tired🤔 she will take a binky when she gets like this it helps sooth her. We dont go back to the dr till December 14 🙈thinking to call dr on monday....such a scary feeling not knowing how to help her makes me feel like a bad mommy😞Any thoughts veteran mommys out there?