Is it taboo to talk about your future with your boyfriend?

E • Animal lover, artist, & wannabe chef. 18/CA 🦋💗🐺✨♏️
Hi everyone, I'm 16 and a junior in high school, and so in love with my boyfriend. We've been dating for about 3 ½ months now, and I can't ever remember being happier. He's sweet, adorable, fun, smart and we have so much in common; and he has an amazing family who all love me. My parents also love him and think he's great. 
The thing is, I feel almost like... childish or stupid or silly or SOMETHING. Because here I am, in high school, still figuring myself out, and I'm just head-over-heels for my perfect boyfriend. I've always been told to be careful in high school and that those relationships don't last, that they're just superficial/lust/meaningless, etc. 
But with my boyfriend, I don't feel like that at all. I want to take on the world with him, and get married and buy a house and have 12 dogs. And of course a girl can daydream, but I almost feel weird or uncomfortable when I do because I feel like I shouldn't put too much faith into the idea that our relationship will last forever or be anything more than a high school fling. 
Please help!!!