clear blue advance ovulation test

KK • A busy momma of 4 👶🏼. who works hard 💉. Is a travel feen. loves ☕️ , 💪🏼 🏋🏼‍♀️and her 2 😻. While loosing sleep to spend endless hours on glow. 💁🏼‍♀️
I've been TTC for two months now and I've been using the digital clear blue advanced ovulation detection test. Is anyone else using them?? I think I'm having some problems and I want to see what results you ladies think.... 
Yesterday was the start of my fertile window according to glow and my ovulation test showed low fertility.
 For the last couple months it only shows high fertility for one day, and then the following day it shows peak fertility. So I'm only fertile for 2 days. 🤔 which sucks bc my husband has low testosterone; 1 has a hard time BD two days in a row 2 he has a low sperm count. 
Is it normal for me to only be fertile for two days, or should I go see my OB? 
I've tried to research it and my research is telling me that women normally get high fertility results for 4 - 5 days before they get a peak result. 
We also try to BD everyother day but I feel like it might be pointless since I'm getting low fertility results. 😔