
me and my daughter's dad haven't been together since I was 3 months pregnant with her she will be 7 in may. And it just kills me that he is so worried about me and family and what i and my boyfriend have been together for 4 years and he treats my daughter as his own mind u we are expecting our son January 5th. When her dad hears about us being out and about doing things he wants to call and harass me. Blow my phone up talking about I'm disrespectful cause he doesn't want my boyfriend around my daughter mind you that on his days when he has her I don't call or bother them at all. The only time I call is if she is sick or has something at school. Also he has had two different girlfriends around her and I don't say anything. But he talks bad to my daughter and tells her that the baby isn't her brother and that she doesn't have to listen to anyone but me and her dad which I feel is wrong. I hate that he puts my daughter in the middle of this and she is only 6. And she is like mama just be nice to my daddy. I'm just tired of going through this with him. We've been through the courts many of times and they are just like yall need to grow up. I don't know what else to do. I don't bother him or his relationships and I wish he would do the same with mine. I know I shouldn't say this but at time I wish he would die and leave me the hell alone. It's crazy like one minute he wants to all nice then the next it's like wtf. But let him need something who is the first person he calls. I'm just tired of him.