My dramatic and unexpected delivery, with a happy ending ❤️

My baby was due November 19, and born November 20 at 8:36 am. He weighed 7lb. 2oz. and 21 1/4". I was in labor for two days whith lots of contractions specially at night. Contractions were regular for more than an hour but later changing, but the fact was that for the second day I noticed no stop. Finally decided that I couldn't go through an other night like that and I called my OB crying very stressed. She sent me to the hospital and I was at 4 at 8:30 pm the day of my due date, so I stayed. After 24 hours (they gave me pitocin after I got to 8 cm, and had epidural already since I was at 6/7) I was ready to push but my baby's heart beat was falling so after two try pushes she said he couldn't handle it so we went for an emergency c-section. Everything was so crazy and fast. I was very scared and crying. My mom says that they took me 8:30. He was born 8:36. It was a pretty weird feeling, I wasn't in pain but I could feel what they were doing moving everything inside me, and how they push my baby out, crazy feeling!! They didn't say why baby's heart beat was low, but thank God he was fine. The problem then was that I wasn't... I was feeling extremely dizzy, and I remember that I kept saying that I wasn't feeling fine. I had pressure on my chest, and although they said I was breathing fine, I wasn't feeling the same. My blood pressure and heart beat were too low and they were fighting to stabilize me. There were so much people. My husband said that like 10 or 12 people were running and talking trying things to get me back to normal and that they looked like it was very serious. My poor husband was so afraid. They gave our baby to him and then to me but after a short time I said I couldn't had him myself. I guess they were just trying to had my attention in the baby and husband so I will get better. 
Well... I think I will never know what went wrong, and being honest I am quite afraid of having another delivery. All this after a perfect pregnancy!
The good thing is that my baby and I make it and we stayed only two days at the hospital because I recovered very well. 
Oh! Like that wasn't enough, they mess up my pain prescriptions and gave me an extra one instead of replacing one of those. I was dizzy, nauseous and extremely swelled. I called and realized that mistake and started taking only two.
My adorable baby Gaetano is now 6 days old and I love him so much that sometimes I cry just looking at him.
He keeps me busy and spend loooooong hours at my breast, I guess we are both learning! I am actually writing this while I feed him (and yes, crying a little bit ☺️).
Wow, I cried more in this week than in a whole normal year!! But I am happy that this are tears of pure happiness and love for my little baby. ❤️