my miracle baby ❤️

My sweet boy is finally here! I was due 11/22 and went in for my weekly check up on 11/16...I had noticed no movement that morning before my appt. so I mentioned it to my nurse and they hooked me up to the monitor. My sweet boy's heart rate was dropping every time I would have a contraction. They did a biometric profile ultrasound and out of 10 we scored a 4 😔 they sent me over to the hospital to be monitored and possibly induced due to my BP and his heart rate. When we got there his little heart was barely beating when I would have a contraction so they rushed me in for an emergency C section. Both the dr and nurses said we were truly blessed to have our little guy here with us...these situations didn't always end so happy. He was monitored in the nursery due to some breathing issues but we are home now and he is happy and growing away! 💙💙💙