Too many follicles😡Should I cancel my cycle?

So I went in for my sonogram this morning to see it the double dose (and change) of meds/stomach injections helped stimulate my follicles. This month I was on dexamethasone, femera, and Gonal-F. The last 3 rounds of clomid didn't work for me. 
The good news is that my body did respond and i have more mature follicles now than ever!  The bad news is, that I have 5, all over 18mm!😳He said if there had been 2-3, he would have given me a trigger shot to make me ovulate, but that there is too much of a risk of high multiples for me to continue this cycle and recommends that we try again next month with a lower dose of meds. 
Anyone go against their doctors advice and BD anyway?! I'm not going to trigger, because he told me not to and I don't want to have to ask for another prescription next time lol, but I wanna still give it a shot! I've paid too much money, time, and effort to let a month pass without trying!Â