He's finally here! (Late post)

Michele • Mommy to 2 sweet boys 💙
Well after waiting 41+5, my beautiful boy is here! Went in to ob appointment on 11-17, they did a quick ultrasound and realized most of my amniotic fluid was gone. Dr called the hospital to get me in for an induction and went in around 3:30pm. Started with Cervadil beings I wasn't thinned out enough and hanging around 1cm. Next morning around 6am they took it out and started Pitocin. Never experienced Pitocin before beings my other child (boy also), was a natural birth. 4cm at 10:30am and 5cm around 12:30pm. That's when the Pitocin went into overdrive with constant back to back contractions that left me breathless. Opted for an epidural which somewhat worked (right side of body didn't take). 2:30pm was at 6cm and barely 30 minutes later I was telling the nurse I had to push. She didn't want to believe me, but I pushed the issue and I was at 9cm! Called the Dr and had to hold my baby in for another 20 minutes! Dr got set up and 2 pushes and 2 minutes later we welcomed Mason Richard into the world at 3:53pm on 11-18-16! Regardless that this was not the way I was expecting things to go, I would do it all over again. 💙