Just stopped birth control...

This last month we decided we were ready to try for a child. I had already started my new pack of pills and I stopped taking them after only a few days. Of course this wasn't a great idea as it made me start bleeding. After that was done I was approximately 2 days outside of my "fertile window" when we had sex. I have a very consistent 28 day cycle, but I'm now 5 days late. During what would have been my PMS week I had pretty standard symptoms. I now have no symptoms except tender breasts that feel like they're slightly enlarged. I've taken a couple pregnancy tests, but so far they've come up negative. My annual gyno appointment is on the 5th, but I'd really appreciate some insight so I don't have to wait that long before I know for sure.
Update: still waiting on blood test results, but in the meantime I took 2 tests at home and both were positive!