Dear fellow teenagers,
Sending nude photos is not safe. Firstly, it is illegal. Anyone under the age of 18 who sends nude photos can be charged with distributing child pornography because it is technically child pornography. If you keep nude photos of yourself on your phone, then you can be charged with possession of child pornography. If you send a nude photo to your partner or even a stranger and they were to be found with it on their phone, they would be charged with possession of child pornography. 
Also, do not fool yourselves into thinking that sending nude photos on snapchat, Instagram DM's, anonymous apps like "Whisper", etc. are any safer because they aren't. People can still take screenshots and save and forward that message to other people, all of which can use those pictures as blackmail material. Not only that, but if they were found with the images in their possession, they would be charged with possession of child pornography. 
If you feel the absolute need to send photos, do not include your face. Also avoid wearing any jewelry or showing any tattoos/piercings/birthmarks, etc. that can be used to identify you in a nude photo. This can prevent those photos from being used as blackmail material and can prevent others from being charged for having those photos in their possession. 
DO NOT have sex before the age of 18 in order to avoid your partner being charged with statutory rape. In some states, it is legal for teenagers 16+ to have sex with anyone they choose. However, it is not legal in all states so be careful. Also, you do not always have to be the one to press statutory rape charges against your partner; Your parents can if they choose to. You cannot be forced to take a rape kit or disclose sexual information to your parents though. 
You can tell your doctor about your sexual health and request to see a gynecologist or receive birth control without your parents consent. However, your parents may be able to receive access to the medications that you are taking (birth control included) by contacting your doctor or accessing your medical records if you are on their insurance (and sometimes if you aren't). 
You can have access to abortions, Birth control, STD/STI testing, etc. at clinics like Planned Parenthood though and you do not need your parents consent to do so. 
This is just a few things that a lot of teens are unaware of and I wanted to clear it up!
EDIT: For those claiming that teenagers need free will, I'm a teenager. I'm 17. I'm well aware that other fellow teenagers want that free well. I'm just trying to educate you. Because guess what? If you think that you know everything about sex then you don't. Not at this age. You can never be too safe or too informed so stop getting butt hurt that I posted something that informs everyone and anyone about information that they NEED to know. You don't care about that information? Cool. But don't leave a nasty comment. There is nothing negative about this post and I don't appreciate your disrespectful behavior. I never told teenagers not to have sex; I said do not have sex BEFORE. THE. AGE. OF. 18. TO. AVOID. YOUR. PARTNER. BEING. CHARGED. WITH. STATUTORY. RAPE. You want to exercise your free will and have sex? By all means, go ahead. But when you go ahead, at least you'll be informed because of this post. So stop being bitches, okay? 
Also, just because the age of consent is higher or lower for some of you doesn't mean that's how it is everywhere else. I'm in Michigan and it's 16 here. Standard age is 18. Even if you're 16, if you have sex with someone who is much older than you, they can still be charged. And you don't have to be the one to press those charges. So stop acting like a know it all. If you have other positive and informative stuff to add, by all means, go ahead! I want people to be educated; That was the point of this post. But what I don't need is my notifications being blown up with comments from people who are just being straight up nasty. There's no need for that. I would respond back to you directly, but if you're offended by reading this then my point has already been made. :)